David Neumann (dancer)

David Neumann has been a featured dancer in the works of Susan Marshall, Jane Comfort, Big Dance Theater, Doug Varone, and Doug Elkins Dance Company and most recently choreographed a duet for himself and Mikhail Baryshnikov. As artistic director of Advanced Beginner Group, Neumann′s had many opportunities to present his work over the past 12 years. Keep your eyes open for the premiere of their new piece, BIG EATER, at The Kitchen in March of 2010. In addition to teaching at Sarah Lawrence College and Yale University, he continues to choreograph for theater, opera and film working with such directors as Hal Hartley, Laurie Anderson, JoAnn Akalaitis, Mark Wing-Davey, Daniel Sullivan, Les Waters and Molly Smith. Recent and upcoming projects include performing in Ann Carson′s Orestes and Agammemnon at CSC and choreographing The Bacchae at the Public Theater. He′s thrilled to be working with the brilliant Mr. Williams.