Clay Drinko (dancer)

Clay moved to New York some time ago from Double D Ranch, Ohio. Attempting to become a film actor, Clay accidentally developed into a skilled DJ, singer, performance artist, musician, and dancer. Most recently he has been commissioned to write children′s albums. Drinko has also, quite by accident, appeared in many feature films and television projects including Dirty Laundry starring Loretta Devine. His music video Lesbians will premiere at Film Festivals all over the world in 2007. Clay earned his Ph.D. in drama and theatre studies and has two Master’s degrees and for the past decade has researched improvisation and its applications, but that doesn’t stop him from talking smack about the Kardashians and telling super embarrassing personal anecdotes. He's a regular contributor for Psychology Todayand Lifehack. Clay’s an accommodating, cornfed Midwesterner who now lives in the beautiful Hudson Valley with his husband Haris and their daughter Ella.