Charles Gowin (dancer)

Charles Gowin is a dancer from Columbia, Missouri. He received his BFA in dance from the University of Illinois in the Fall of 2015. Since moving to Brooklyn, he has had the pleasure of dancing for Tere O'Connor in Double Flower Possibility; Katy Pyle’s Ballez in Sleeping Beauty and The Beast, Giselle of Loneliness & Slavic Goddesses; for Brendan Fernandes in Clean Labor & Master and Form; and for Ishmael Houston-Jones and Miguel Gutierrez in their Bessie award-winning Variations on Themes from Lost and Found: Scenes from a Life and other works by John Bernd. He has also performed for Sônia Soares, Jon Kinzel, Christine Bonansea, Juri Onuki, Ellie Goudie-Averill, Alex Rodabaugh and Emma Brown.